UASF Updates #20 – 3.19.21

UASF Officers and Board of Directors Nominations Form was emailed 3/18/2021 and due by 4/5/2021 5 PM; nominate yourself and/or obtain approval to nominate a peer to serve a two year term for open seats. 

Negotiations/Meet and Confer/Unions of SFUSD

3.16.21-Unions of SFUSD-Joan shared with the Unions that UASF is just beginning to return to negotiate our MOU for In-Person/Hybrid/Distance Learning. She also shared the multitude of challenges that site leaders are faced with to prepare for reopening.

3.17.21-UASF Negotiations-Jolie, Joan, Tai, Michael, Silvia & Caroline negotiated with the district for most of the day about the UASF counter proposal to the district’s response on issues related to opening sites for hybrid and in person learning.

Week of 3.15.21 and 3.16.21-Emergency UASF Ex. Bd. Meeting-Various members contacted UASF and expressed valid concerns regarding the reopening of schools. We then conducted an emergency Ex. Bd. meeting to address the many concerns that were 5being brought to UASF’s attention over the past 5 days or so. These concerns were reviewed at the Superintendent’s Leadership Team and the meeting with Deputy Ford Morthel as described below. Please find a summary of the concerns which we have added to since those meetings occurred:  Members Concerns and Recommendations

Anti-Asian American Attacks-As you know from the news that there has been a significant rise in rise in anti-Asian attacks. UASF will be presenting to our Ex. Bd. on 3.22 a resolution for UASF to stand in solidarity in support of the AAPI community. 

3.16.21-Debra drafted a resolution, officers and interested members added to it and edited it. The resolution condemns Anti-Asian American Pacific Islander attacks. UASF officers and Co-Eds are strategizing on how to proceed with it in a larger forum (i.e CAUSA, SF Labor Council, BOE, etc.); it will be presented to executive board members for a vote at next week’s meeting. 

Here's an article on how to be an ally to the AAPI community. You may be wondering what you can do to help the Asian and Asian-American communities given the attacks. Here are some key facts you should know. Read in USA TODAY through Apple News Shared from Apple News  Apple News-

Meetings with External Organizations

3.16.21-Debra and Caroline participated in a phone conference with AFSA President Ernest Logan to discuss the postponement of the Triennial Convention to July 2022, and the AFL CIO Convention.  President Logan reiterated his commendation and appreciation for UASF’s successful negotiations, our contributions to the AFSA Guide to Open Schools Safely, for our Crisis Learning MOUs and other agreements and that have been highlighted as models for other administrator unions all over the country. Other bargaining units are benefitting from the work that our negotiation team has done to lay the foundation for administrator working conditions and health and safety issues.

UASF Meetings with the District 

3.17.21-Superintendent’s Meeting-Caroline, Ron, Patty, Silvia, Joan and Debra met with the Superintendent’s Leadership Team. We shared the numerous concerns and recommendations/asks that members shared with UASF over the past week related to the reopening of schools. We shared a summary of the concerns from members and recommendations. We requested an extension of the due date of 3.19.21 for the budget and site plan. You should have received a message from Myong if you wanted to request an extension. And an extension until Monday for student assignment rosters.

Below are some of the key “ASKS” that UASF made at this meeting:

  1. Maintain clear, consistent communications in a timely manner.

  2. Create a calendar of site related events for the remainder of the year, staggering tasks and due dates.

  3. Consider providing CO support at sites the first 5 days of reopening.

  4. Analyze additional staff support needed based on each school site, and a robust sub pool.

  5. Inform the site leaders prior to the public learning info so they do not have to hear it at a BOE meeting or in a press release. 

  6. Request for an extension for the budget and site plan due date. Extension option given and communicated today. 

  7. Have all meetings focused on the reopening of schools only. 

  8. Have major concerns about class coverage and the lack of substitutes. UASF addressed this at our HR meeting last week and the Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent meetings this week.  

  9. A schedule for the dates schools are opening ASAP (EED/Elem. was distributed at the Town Hall. Nikki hopes to have the HS dates confirmed and out by the end of the day 3.19.21.)

We will know over time which of these ASKS will be supported by the District and we will continue to advocate on the behalf of our members.

3.18.21-Deputy Ford Morthel Meeting-Debra and Joan met with Nikki, Chief Jean Robertson, and Joya and reviewed the reopening concerns and recommendations from members. This monthly meeting always follows the Superintendent’s meeting so that we can discuss and strategize further with Nikki and other CO leaders. Nikki and Joya are going to work on getting a calendar of tasks/activities for the rest of the year developed. We are hoping to touch base with Joya again next week and more regularly. 

3.19.21 Raul Erazo Chavez and Debra met to review concerns and questions from EED Principals and to review updated SFDPH OST guidelines. OST program details still to be determined.

Cohort Meetings

3.18.21-HS Principal and AP Cohorts-up to 39 attendees-Joan, Ron and Ellen met with the HS AP Cohorts. Joan shared updates from the meetings this week with the Superintendent's Leadership Team and a meeting with Deputy Ford-Morthel. The HS site leaders are seeking answers to a number of questions with the spring reopening of HS sites for designated students:  are they required to supervise sports games when they return 4.12, are clubs being allowed to come back on campus, who and when will signage be installed, what about MS SDCs being placed at their sites, the status update on if there will be a testing waive, etc. A major concern is wanting to know the final plan for opening in fall so they can have student and staff schedules prepared.

3.18.21-MS Principal and AP Cohorts-UASF Directors Michael Essien and Michael Stachon met with MS Principals and APs and gathered these questions/requests that UASF forwarded to District Leadership: 

  1. Request- We need a COVID Compliance Guidance for classroom set up, and safety protocols to follow for staff & paras. 

  2. How is UASF positioning to support administrators in the event that UESF members simply don’t show up to in-person learning and administrators are responsible for leading substitute staff?

UASF addressed the concern regarding possible substitute shortages with HR, the Superintendent and the Deputy Superintendent. HR felt confident they had sufficient substitutes and will continue to build that pool. UASF will bring the issue of supporting administration in leading substitute staff who are covering classrooms.

  1. How is the District communicating and getting agreements from parents and students that their student must follow the safety protocols in order to participate in in-person learning and the actions the school will take if a student chooses to violate the safety protocols?

  2. How can we be given adequate timelines? The quick turnaround time for enrollment 1 deadline is due April 9th..just received lists today...two weeks to complete as we focus on re-opening as well as working on potential summer, budget extension, etc...if this is meant for us to complete or direct to other staff...many folks at their capacity!

3.15.21-Sharon and Caroline convened the monthly meeting with PGD UASF members to share and gather information related to negotiation issues focused on the demands of members for opening schools for hybrid and in person learning. 

BOE and UASF Communications

3.18.21-BOE Update Regarding the CAASPP/Testing Waiver Resolution-Joan contacted Commissioners Matt Alexander and Mark Sanchez to inquire as to the status of the resolution to request a testing waiver. They both responded the same day. They were waiting until after the State BOE meeting held on 3.17.21, to see where the state is on a waiver request. They will need to review the full details in order to make sure that a waiver will work with the state prior to bringing the resolution back to SFUSDs BOE for a 2nd reading.  

Internal Meetings

3.15.21-Ron Lee, Patty Harmon, Silvia Cordero and Caroline met with the EDs for the monthly officers’ meeting. We conducted leadership appraisals and provided feedback to our hard working conscientious EDs-Joan and Debra. We will do the same for Jolie when she returns from vacation. The officers and EDs discussed members’ concerns and recommendations and from that, planned the monthly meeting with Dr. Matthews and his leadership team and the monthly executive board meeting.

3.19.21-Joan, Shelby, Jolie and Caroline met with the website designers in preparation of launching the new website. 

Member Support

3.15.21-3.19.21-Co-EDs, officers and executive board members responded to members’ questions and concerns daily in addition to representing members as witnesses or respondents during investigations.

March 15th Notification letters if you received a letter and need support please email 

Accommodations and Leaves until we complete our negotiations for a simplified process UASF members requesting leaves and accommodations to remain virtual will need to contact Victoria Ramos ADA Compliance Manager  (415) 241-6101 x1237 

American Federation of School Administrators (AFSA) Resources

AFSA is offering a Webinar on Indoor Air Quality 101 for School leaders on March 24, 2021 at 3 pm ET/6pm PST. Click on the link for more information and to registar. 

AFSA Indoor Air Quality 101 for School Leaders


UASF Updates #21 - 3.26.21


UASF Updates #19 – 3.12.21