UASF Updates #19 – 3.12.21
Negotiations/Caucus/Meet and Confer
3.8.21 and 3.10.21-The Unions of SFUSD Health and Safety Implementation Committee-Joan participated with representatives from the other unions to plan how best to monitor and address with the District all aspects of non-compliance with the Health and Safety MOU.
3.8.21-Unions of SFUSD-Joan and Jolie attended the weekly Unions of SFUSD meeting where we strategize on how to get time at the table to negotiate, a letter writing campaign and actions to take at the BOE meeting.
3.9.21-Meet and Confer-Joan, Jolie, and President Satoda met with Greg John, Carrie Slaughter, Nikki Ford Morthel, and Jason Hannon. We discussed the frustration with the lack of communication provided to our members when the press hears information before us. We inquired about information on which dates Wave 3 sites would reopen for in-person learning because three dates, 4/12, 4/19/, and 4/26 were mentioned. Lastly, we discussed a possible report date for Wave 3 administrators but no final decision was made.
Wave 3 Return to Work Sites on March 24, 2021
3.10.21-UASF was notified by District Leadership that the Wave 3 site leaders would be informed on 3.11.21 that they were to return to work in-person on 3.24.21 The District has still not indicated the specific dates that each of the Wave 3 schools will reopen for in-person learning. The District Leadership indicated they want to ensure that each site has ample time to be prepared to reopen with all DPH walkthroughs and facilities needs met prior to the return of students. It is UASF’s understanding that there is flexibility. Site leaders should work with their direct supervisors regarding flexibility for in-person and/or virtual work while tasks are accomplished that are essential to reopening.
3.9.21 The Board of Education Voted to Approve our joint Health and Safety Standards Agreement
3.10.21-3.8.21-Unions of SFUSD Health and Safety Implementation Committee-Joan participated with other union representatives in a Meet and Confer with Labor regarding the status of prioritized vaccinations for those already working at worksites and those returning to worksites, information regarding additional vaccine availability, updates on ventilation compliance with MOU, and COVID testing of staff and students.
Through Saturday, 3.13.21-Vaccines are available for SFUSD staff this week at 555 Franklin st. Please use this new link.
3.12.21-President Lopez asked us to share this information with our members regarding this UCSF sponsored Vaccine Information Session that she organized with a Q&A that will be this Friday, March 12th at 3:00 pm. You may be interested in attending if you have any questions regarding vaccines. There will be a short presentation and UCSF doctors will be available for questions/comments/concerns.
Title: Vaccine Info Session with Q&A featuring UCSF for SFUSD staff
Date/time: Friday, March 12th at 3:00 PM
Link we will be using:
Cohort Meetings
3.10.21-EED-Debra and Nancy met with EED Administrators to listen to updates on their sites readiness to open; we collected concerns and recommendations to support the reopenings. Concerns on staffing, moving without movers or volunteers and shifting personnel surfaced, as well as, itinerant teachers assignments maintaining stable groups.
3.11.21-Cohort 1-Debra, Luis and Emmanuel met with Cohort 1 to debrief earlier session of Making Meaning of the [UESF] MOU Tentative Agreement: Preparing to Open, Health Safety and Instructional Model and gathered considerations and suggestions made by Cohort 1 Site Leaders. Additional information on Co-located sites is needed.
3.11.21Cohort 4-Debra, Patty met with Cohort 4 to debrief information provided by Nikki & Joya, Catalina and Jason on reopening school sites. We discussed and collected recommendations on staffing concerns, scheduling and the instructional models. Our solitary Site Leaders need more human resource support, and we would like to see an additional Administrator assigned to support the site until the end of the school year.
Meetings with District
3.8.21-HR/Labor and UASF Monthly Meeting-The Co-Eds met with HR and Labor and discussed the availability to get vaccines, retroactive cell phone reimbursement, employee updates, and we shared data from our Wave 3 Survey.
3.11.21-AP to Principal Design Committee-Joan and UASF Director Shari, met all morning with site and central office leaders (Caroline had to leave early) to generate additional ideas on implementing a model for Principals and APs to establish an Anti-Racist Authentic Partnership Among School Leaders to support APs as they move into Principal positions.
3.11.21-Caroline met with Dr. Matthews and reiterated the need for flexibility for members returning to sites to prepare for the reopening of sites.
Meetings with BOE Members
3.8.21-Jolie and a representative from SEIU, Local 21, UESF, and Local 39 met with BOE President Lopez. We discussed the vaccination roll out plan and Jolie shared the frustration with the press receiving information on the Wave 3 opening before our administrators. Jolie stressed the importance of better communication between our UASF members and the District.
3.9.21-Jolie had her hand up and was ready to speak at the BOE meeting on the need for all of the Unions of SFUSD to get time at the bargaining table now that UESF has a TA, but she never got called upon in the allotted time.
3.10.21-President Lopez kindly contacted Caroline to reassure our members that with the announcement of Dr. Matthews’ retirement there is much stability in the district to continue with our plans and priorities. Caroline requested and was granted assurance that designated UASF representatives will be involved in the selection process for a new superintendent.
3.10.21-President Lopez kindly contacted Jolie and discussed the same information as above.
Supports for individual members
Co Executive Directors, officers and executive board representatives continue to meet with and support individual members on contract status and various private confidential issues.
UASF Internal Meetings
3.8.21-The Co-Eds held an emergency meeting to discuss concerns from many of our members with the information on Wave 3 opening for in-person learning shared in a press release before our members heard this from the District.
3.9.21, 3.10.21, and 3.11.21-UASF MOU Development-The Co-Eds met to review the Draft UASF MOU and make revisions in addition to cross-walking it with the UESF TA Regarding Reopening to In-Person/Hybrid/Distance Learning. This information will be utilized to further develop the UASF MOU.
3.10.21-Website Redesign Committee-Caroline, Shelby, Jolie and Joan met with the website designers to finalize components of the new UASF website. We hope to launch the new website around Mid-March.
March 15th Letters of Notification
If anyone has received a March 15th letter from SFUSD, please contact the if you need guidance.
What is a March 15th letter? It’s a notice given by school districts to administrators notifying administrators they may be released, potentially released, demoted or reassigned for the following school year. The courts have stated that “the legislative purpose of the statute was to afford the administrator proper notice of possible change in duties and assignment in sufficient time to seek other satisfactory employment as an administrator.” See Ellerbroek v. Saddleback Valley USD, 125 Cal.App.3d 348, 367 (1981).
Possible actions for someone receiving notification:
If you are an interim administrator, contact your supervisor and find out about formally interviewing for your current position.
Reapply on EMPowerSF today to be included in the SFUSD Administrator Pool- for group and site interviews. You will need to ask your current supervisor for a letter of recommendation, update your resume, and get two other letters of recommendation and references.
Check to see what Administrator positions are open in SFUSD contact
Contact HR about classroom positions, if you were a teacher in SFUSD prior to your administration position or worked as an Administrator for two full years, your teacher seniority years will be counted toward a consolidation.
Resign from your Administrator position not the District or retire prior to May 15th to avoid CCTC and/or future employer notification.
Consider applying for Administrator positions outside SFUSD