UASF Updates #17 – 2.26.21

Negotiations/Meet and Confer/Related Information

2/22/21-Unions of SFUSD-Jolie and Joan attended the meeting to continue to plan collaboration including the letter writing campaign to the BOE that you received earlier this week.

2.23.21-Joan and Jolie attended a Meet and Confer with Greg John, Carrie Slaughter, and Nikki Ford Morthel to discuss a report date for Wave 2 administrators. The District is reviewing our proposal.

2.25.21-Implementation and Monitoring of the Health and Safety Standards-Joan attended this 2nd subcommittee meeting focused on ensuring the District is adhering to the Health and Safety Standards. We will be addressing these concerns with the District as it relates to implementing the agreement that was approved at the 2.23.21 BOE meeting.

2.26.21-UASF was informed today that Wave 2 Administrators are to report to their work sites beginning March 10, 2021.  Nikki met with Wave 2 administrators this morning.  We want to remind you that grace, compassion, and flexibility come with this assignment.  If you need any modifications please first contact your 

Assistant Superintendent/Executive Director.  If you are having a problem with getting what you need after that please contact your Executive Director at UASF.

Please note that the Unions of SFUSD Health and Safety MOU with SFUSD covers  when UASF members return for in-person learning. 

In the Health and Safety Standards MOU it states:  “The District shall prioritize the availability of the vaccine for staff already working on site.” The Unions of SFUSD Monitoring Subcommittee is currently addressing the non-compliance of this issue with the District.

Article 4.9-UASF has not heard back from Labor Relations on our Article 4.9 proposal, nor have we been given any dates to continue our negotiations.  Today we are asking the District to immediately give us bargaining dates.

Vaccination Updates

Registering for a vaccination-

Health and Safety Agreement  Regarding Vaccinations-


2.22.21-Gabriela Lopez attended UASF Ex. Bd. Meeting-President Lopez asked the Ex. Bd. to respond to these questions: 

  • What do site leaders need to efficiently and effectively support your sites’ instructional/academic plans?” an

  • What effective strategies have site administrators used to communicate with and distribute materials to students that don’t rely so heavily on current addresses? 

  • What are the additional supports needed to help with the distribution efforts? 

2.23.21-BOE Meeting-Director Emmanuel Stewart did an excellent job in support of the BOE Resolution not to administer standardized testing for students this year; Jolie was prepared to speak to the Health and Safety MOU but unfortunately there was a technical glitch.

Cohort/Member Meetings

2.24.21-Central Office Members have started scheduling their vaccines. Central Office budgets may not be settled so members get a May or May Not renew contract until it is clear the funding is in place. Those wanting to transfer to site administration should apply on EMPower now to participate in interviews.

2.24.21-Joan and Debra met with a few of the Lowell administrative team to discuss ways that UASF can support the administrative team. 

2.24.2-ED Meeting-The ED’s held their weekly meeting and discussed how best to support Wave 1, 2, and 3 site administrators as well as central office members.  In addition they shared how they met with individual members to support them during investigations and/or interviews related to specific cases as well as offering consultation to others regarding support the members sought.  

Related Meetings

2.23.21-California Association of Urban School Administrators (CAUSA)-Jolie, Debra, Joan and Director Luis Rodriguez attending the meeting. The Districts shared information regarding their MOUs, vaccinations and reopening of schools. SFUSD is the only District where all labor unions worked collaboratively to reach an agreement on Health and Safety. Some of the Districts have already been vaccinating their staff and have testing protocols in place.

Internal Meetings

2.22.21-UASF Ex. Bd. Meeting-In addition to hosting a Q &A with President Lopez, we voted on the final new UASF logo on a recommendation for the 2021-2021 school year calendar. 

2/24/21-The EDs met for their weekly meeting to discuss a survey for the Wave 3 site leaders, a plan for UASF representation at BOE meetings, and reviewed individual member support.

2/25/21 UASF hosted a CalSTRS workshop. Go to CalSTRS Benefits Planning to see updated videos and tools for planning your retirement. Debra, Luis Rodriguez and Caroline represented the UASF board and attended as well as numerous general members.


UASF Updates #18 – 3.5.21


UASF Flash Update #16 Regarding Vaccinations – 2.25.21