UASF UPDATES #5 – 12.4.20
12.18.20-Is the deadline to submit your short form LAD/LAP evaluation.
12.4.20-We are close to an agreement for the Wave 1 site leaders to return to their worksites. We are waiting for the District’s response to our latest counterproposal. We plan to have the UASF Officers and Ex. Bd. review and vote on the Side Letter prior to sending it to all members for ratification.
12.2.20-The negotiation team met with the District and exchanged proposals on the Wave 1 administrators returning to sites while still closed to students. The topics of negotiation include: health and safety protocols, testing; incentives, needs regarding childcare and instruction for leaders’ school-aged children, and designated site leader and district responsibilities. We reached agreement on a number of areas. We also continued conversations about the guidance and communication about the signed evaluation Side Letter and professional development.
The District has agreed to extend all SFUSD collective bargaining agreements through 2021. The next negotiation session is scheduled for December 10.
11.24.20-The negotiation team participated in a three hour caucus to prepare a response to the District’s side letter on administrators returning to sites.
11.24.20-UASF Executive Board Member Shari Balisi Manalang and Joan Hepperly met with the five high school principals on the renaming list. They emphasized their repeated requests for flexibility with the timeline to equitably engage their school communities in the process. Several sites are requesting a trained facilitator to work with their school stakeholders.
11.24.20 and 12.1.20-UASF Treasurer Patty Harmon, Secretary Silvia Cordero and Board Members Shari Balisi Manalang and Michael Stachon in addition to Jolie Wineroth and Joan Hepperly, met with Myong Leigh and Chris Armentrout to discuss the memo sent to the renaming schools on 11.20.20. This memo was a follow-up to the 11.10.20 BOE meeting at which the commissioners requested updates from the regarding their school’s renaming process by 12.4.20. UASF again asked Myong and Chris for support in working with the BOE for flexible timelines based on individual sites’ requests and to provide support such as trained facilitators.
12.2.20-Joan Hepperly spoke with BOE President Sanchez to reiterate UASF’s support for the renaming resolution but to again request that sites have flexibility for the timeline and the need for additional support, such as a facilitator.
11.23.20 and 11.30.20-Co- Executive Directors met with other SFUSD Union members and had follow-up discussions regarding the contents of a joint petition related to Health and Safety Requirements to be sent to all SFUSD union members.
12.2.20 Debra Eslava-Burton, SFLC rep Kee Frieke Pothier, Ex. Bd member Ben Kauffman convened a meeting for central office members. Some issues discussed included: the need for guidance for evaluators about the short form evaluations; ways to support Wave 1 and Wave 2 principals, especially those who are the sole site leader; guidance required for the evaluation of non-classroom teachers and the revised UESF evaluation timeline; ventilation concerns for cramped shared office spaces; desired flexibility to work from a classroom or continue to work virtually. Next meeting 12-16-2020 from 12-1PM.
12.2.20-Jolie Wineroth, Debra Eslava-Burton and UASF Secretary Silvia Cordero, Treasurer Patty Harmon, and Ex. Bd members Luis Rodriguez and Sonny Wong conducted an All-City cohort meeting with approximately 100 members. Some of the concerns that were shared: requests for information about the side letter before it is signed, for central office partners or substitutes to support the lone site administrators, for a speaker from the health department; translations for the slide decks done by the District, training for administrative substitutes. Questions were raised about the increased work day for administrators when students return to their sites and distance learning begins 90 minutes later; the timeline for fall WCPR; and about if the decision tree does not have “yes,” in all categories, are schools still expected to open?
12.3.20-UASF HS Ex. Bd. Directors met with the HS principals. Concerns and questions regarding the UESF teacher evaluation were raised. The Renaming HSs shared their continued concerns regarding the timeline and needing flexibility to equitably engage the school community. The HS Principals will join the HS APs at a members’ meeting on 12.10.20.
12.1.20-President Caroline Satoda, Debra Eslava-Burton, Jolie Wineroth and Joan Hepperly actively participated in the monthly CA Association of Urban School Administrators (CAUSA) meeting with other administrator union leaders throughout the state. Union leaders shared both wins and challenges as they negotiated agreements for members during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
12.3.20-President Caroline Satoda, Jolie Wineroth and Joan Hepperly attended a Negotiations webinar presented by the American Federations of School Administrators (AFSA).
11.30.20-The Executive Board met for the monthly meeting on 11.30 and discussed hot topics to and for members in cohort/division groups.
12.2.20.-President Caroline Satoda wrote a letter of support for a member.
11.30-12.4.20-Executive board reps, officers and Co-Eds fielded members’ questions about the cell phone policy, evaluations, etc.